



Dimri i giatë i vitit 1945 (The Long Winter of 1945).  (With Dardan Luta). A Graphic History 



Battle of Kosovo Full Jacket The Battle of Kosovo 1389. An Albanian Epic, London: I.B. Tauris, 2009.


Beteja e Kosoves  Beteja e Kosovës, Prishtina: Zëri, 2010

Bitka na Kosovu      Bitka na kosovu u albanskom epu, Beograd: Biblioteka XX Vek, 2010.

case-for-KosovaThe Case for Kosovo. A Passage to Independence, (ed.) London: Anthem Press, 2006.

UccelliEditor and Translator of Camille Paglia, The Birds, British Film Institute, 1998 [Gli Uccelli, Liberal Libri, 2000]


I Gay. Colloquio con Edmund White, [Gays. An Interview with Edmund White] Liberal Libri, 1999.

ribelliRibelli contro la Modernitá. Religione e Politica in Due Città Post-Industriali: Dallas (US) e Grenoble (Francia), [Rebels against Modernity. Religion and Politics in two Post-Industrial Cities: Dallas (US) and Grenoble (France)] Milano: Franco Angeli, 1993.


Articles and Chapters in Books:

“Preface” In Enver Dugolli, Unbroken. Surviving Milosevic’s Prisons. The Centre for Albanian Studies. 2021 E-book.

“Gender Performance and Gendered Warriors in the Albanian Epic” (with Arbnora Dushi) In Pamela Jo Lothspeich (ed.) The Epic World. Routledge. Forthcoming.

“Kosovo: An Art Installation That Punctured the Public Secrets of Wartime Sexual Violence” In Yifat Gutman and Jenny Wüstenberg (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Memory Activism. Routledge. 2021.

“Authors of their Own Transitional Justice: Survivors of Wartime Sexual Violence” In Aidan Hehir, Robert Muharremi and Furtuna Sheremeti (eds.) Kosovo and Transitional Justice: the Pursuit of Justice after Large Scale Conflict. Routledge. 2021.

“The “Re-appearing of the Feminine”: Kosovo’s Theatres of War Memories after Yugoslavia” (with Arzana Kraja) In Aidan Hehir, Robert Muharremi and Furtuna Sheremeti (eds.) Kosovo and Transitional Justice: the Pursuit of Justice after Large Scale Conflict. Routledge. 2021.

Sexual Violence in the Kosovo Conflict: A Lesson for Myanmar and Other Ethnic Cleansing Campaigns,” International Politics. 2020. (with Garentina Kraja).

“Historical Dialogue in Post-Conflict Kosovo: Oral History as Memory and Context” In Elazar Barkan, Jim Waller and Constantin Goschler (eds.) Historical Dialogue and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities. Routledge. 2020.

“Introduzione” in Jeton Neziraj, Il volo sopra il teatro del Kosovo. 5 Plays, Editoria & Spettacolo. 2019.

“‘Thinking of You’ in Kosovo: Art Activism Against the Stigma of Sexual Violence.Violence Against Women, Vol. 25 (3), 2019  (with Feride Rushiti and Kadire Tahiraj).

A Qualitative Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding Silence and Voices of Wartime Sexual Violence Survivors.” SAGE Research Methods Cases Politics and International Relations, February 2019.

Introduction” In Saša Ilić and Jeton Neziraj (eds.) One Flew Over the Kosovo Theatre. An Anthology of Contemporary Drama from Kosovo. Laertes, 2018.




“The danger of “new norms” and the continuing relevance of IHL in the post-9/11 era” International Review of the Red Cross, (with Emanuele Castano), 900, 2016.


“Seeking Justice for Wartime Sexual Violence in Kosovo: Voices and Silence of Women” East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, 30 (3) 2016: 621-643.

“Albanian Personal Narratives of the Kosovo War and the Struggle for a National Narrative.” Култура/Culture, 5, 2014. (With Mevlyde Salihu).


“The Field of the Blackbirds and the Battle for Europe,” In Bill Niven, Ruth Wittlinger and Eric Langenbacher (eds.), Dynamics of Memory in the New Europe, Berghahn Books, 2013.

“La Battaglia della piana dei merli nella memoria albanese: l’invenzione di una tradizione,” In Rassicurazione e memoria – per dare un futuro alla pace. Quaderno 2 della Fondazione Venezia per la ricerca sulla pace, 2013.

“Engineering Grassroots Transitional Justice in the Balkans: The Case of Kosovo,” East European Politics and Societies, XX (X) 2012: 1-20

“The Missing Revolution in Serbia: 1989-2008,” International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 22 (3) September 2009: 373-384.

“The Narrative of Genocide as Cosmopolitan Memory and Its Impact on Humanitarian Intervention” Interdisciplinary workshop on Collective Memory and Collective Knowledge in a Global Age, London School of Economics, 17/18-June-2007.

“The Legendary Commander: The Construction of an Albanian Master-Narrative in Post-War Kosovo,” Nations & Nationalism, 12 (3) 2006: 513-529 (with Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers).

[also in Albanian, “Komandant legjendar:ndërtimi i një master-narracioni shqiptar në Kosovën e pasluftës” Perpjekja, XII (23), 2006: 77-95]

“Sacred Journey to a Nation: The Construction of a Shrine in Post-War Kosovo,” Journeys. The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing, 7 (1), 2006: 27-49 (with Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers).

[also in Albanian, “Udhëtimi i shenjtë drejt kombit: ndërtimi i një faltoreje në Kosovën e pasluftës” Perpjekja, XII (24) 2007: 32-54]

“Empire Lite as a Swamp,” Transitions, XLV (1), 2005: 63-79

“Feminism” pp. 235-246 in Gianfranco Pasquino (ed.), La Politica Italiana, Dizionario Critico 1945-95, [Italian Politics. A Critical Dictionary 1945-95] Bari: Laterza, 1995

“Tra Scienza, Etica e Politica: Teorie della Sociologia Interpretativa nel Dibattito Statunitense,” [Between Science, Ethics and Politics: Theories of Interpretive Sociology in the American Debate] Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 4, Ottobre-Dicembre 1990: 581-558.

“Immagine e Storia. La Cittá negli Stati Uniti,” [Image and History. The City in the United States] Democrazia e Diritto, (4-5) 1989: 301-321.

“Le Aspettative Sociali di Durata. Intervista a Robert Merton,” [Socially Expected Durations. Interview with Robert Merton] Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, (1) 1985: 3-26.

Policy Analysis:

Fostering a Critical Account of History in Kosovo: Engaging with History Teachers’ Narratives  of the Second World War. Pristina and Belgrade: Oral History Kosovo and CFCCS, 2017 (with Orli Fridman, Srđan Hercigonja and Abit Hoxha). Available also in Albanian and Serbian.

Community Safety Report, UNDP, Kosovo, 2009.

Freedom of Movement Report, UNDP, Kosovo, 2009

Small Weapons Collection Campaign Report, UNDP, Kosovo, 2009.

“A Civil Alternative: an Evaluation of the IOM KPC Program,” in International Organization for Migration (IOM), KPC Training Program, Prishtina, 2004.

Comparative Study on Housing for Foreign Workers in Denmark, Germany and France. City of Bologna, 1991

Survey sul Partito Comunista Italiano (With Nino Magna and Renato Mannheimer), anticipating the break-up of the Party into a traditional Communist Party and the Democratic Party of the Left, CESPE

Rapporto sui Finanziamenti ai Partiti Politici in Germania, Francia e Svezia (With Nino Magna and Antonio Missiroli), an analysis of patterns of corruption in both public and private funding of political parties, CESPE.