Engineering grassroots transitional justice in Kosovo

Transitional Justice

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Case of Kosovo
Caitlin McCum
Development Consultant, Brooklyn., NY, USA

The initiative to establish a truth commission in the successor states of the former Yugoslavia (RECOM) prese-rits a rich Case study of the performance of the that traiisitionai justice professionals propose on a global scale: am inclusive package
that offers truth, justice, reconciliation and Stability. Whether these goals Could he achieved is the Subject’ efe Critical debate that questions overìy ambitieus projects of truth commissiozës, espeeiaîly their Sensitivity to wea! understandings and praetices
of transìtionaî justice We aim to contribute to this debate by examining the reception OfRECOM in Kosovo, where moet local actors remain either noticommittal or outright opposed to RECOM. What these actors share is the conviction that their own narratives be taken seriously, even when this means refusing the suppression of “truths” that can be divisive. We ‘found that giving priority to “the local” irnpîies more than adapting the
received professional “toolkit”: it might require abandoning it.