Monthly Archives: August 2013

Blackbirds Field


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Anna Di Lellio

Monuments marking the battlefield are placed a few kilometers apart: a memorial to the fallen Christian heroes, the turbe (mausoleum) of the Sultan’s standard-bearer in the locality known as Gazirnestan, and the Sultan’s turbe to the west, at Mazgiti They are archeological and political signifiers of opposing camps, physical symbols of discourses and practices that “memory entrepreneurs” have adopted to plot national stories.‘ Most notable and best known among them is the Serbian narrative of the battle, constructed as a unique tale of Christian martyrdom granting Serbia histori-

cal rights over Kosovo. Less obvious plotlines built on the memorialization of the battle and its mythical protagonists are also relevant to Albanianand Turkish national discourses. In the contemporary political context, theold battlefield has become a highly resonant political symbol of European identity for all.




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Estratto da Damocrazia e diritto, n. 4»5, 1989




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Intervisia a Robert K. Merton
a cura di ANNA D1 LELLIO
Nel settembre 1982, invitato a presentare i risallati pill re-
centi del suo lavoro scientifico alla Conferenza annuale dell’Anre~
riean Sociological Association, Robert K. Merton xcehe di trattare
piuttoszfo eke la ma auto-biografia intelleituale, la biografia ali una idea sociologica ala tempo al centro delle sue rijlessioni; le aspettative rsociali di durata (socially ‘expected dumtion~s). A qnella relazione xono segulti due saggi, uno xolo dei quali é stato recenlernenie pubblicato come capitolo in an libro edito da W. W. Powell e R. Robbins, Conflict and Consensus: a Festschrift for Lewis A.(loser (New York, Free Prexs, 1984).
Le aspettative sociali di durata xono aspettatiue xociali 0
gollettive salle durate tenzparali di vari aspetti della struttura so-
ciale; per esenrpio, la durata cli an certo status, di una cariea in
una organlzzazione 0 islituzione pubbliea, della parteclpazione in an gruppo; le duraze presunle di tipi dioersi di relazioni sociali, quali an rapporto di arnicizia 0 la relazione paziente-nredieo; le
anticipazioni xulla longevita alegli individui, dei gruppl e delle organizzazioni.

Engineering grassroots transitional justice in Kosovo

Transitional Justice

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Case of Kosovo
Caitlin McCum
Development Consultant, Brooklyn., NY, USA

The initiative to establish a truth commission in the successor states of the former Yugoslavia (RECOM) prese-rits a rich Case study of the performance of the that traiisitionai justice professionals propose on a global scale: am inclusive package
that offers truth, justice, reconciliation and Stability. Whether these goals Could he achieved is the Subject’ efe Critical debate that questions overìy ambitieus projects of truth commissiozës, espeeiaîly their Sensitivity to wea! understandings and praetices
of transìtionaî justice We aim to contribute to this debate by examining the reception OfRECOM in Kosovo, where moet local actors remain either noticommittal or outright opposed to RECOM. What these actors share is the conviction that their own narratives be taken seriously, even when this means refusing the suppression of “truths” that can be divisive. We ‘found that giving priority to “the local” irnpîies more than adapting the
received professional “toolkit”: it might require abandoning it.


The missing of democratic revolution and Serbia’s anti-Europian choice 1989-2008

The missing of democratic revolution and Serbia's anti-Europian choice 1989-2008

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Anna Di Lellio
Published online: 7 July 2009
© Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009
Abstract In 1989, as the countries of the Soviet bloc took a turn toward democracy and Europe, Yugoslavia and Serbia plunged into a bloody war and moved in the opposite direction. This article argues that the legacy of that era is still strongly felt in postwar and post-Milosevic Serbia. Now, like then, the choice is not simply for or against Europe. By holding on to the nationalism of the Kosovo myth, which territorializes both the Serbian ethnos and the opposition between Christianity and Islam, Serbia is tracing a tortuous path toward democratization and European integration. In the contemporary context, the Kosovo myth impedes Scrbia`s recognition of Kosovo as an independent state; it continues to fuel the rhetoric of fractious elites that never cease to tap its capacity for rallying the public; and it provides room for “pro-European” leaders to negotiate EU integration, stracldling the
fence between Europe`s Atlantic propensities and the resurgent power of Russia. This
nationalist myth thus plays a normative and an instrumental role, both domestically and
internationally. Outside Serbia, it also engagcs with a narrow and “thick” notion of Europe,
which gained traction within Europe itself in the post-9/ ll climate of heightenecl fear of
Islam, where cultural identity tmmps the values of liberal democracy.

IOM KPC Evaluation

IOM KPC Evaluation

By Anna Di Lellio

I. Summary

The Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) was officially constituted in January 2000 as a main feature of the Demilitarization, Demobilization and Reintegration of thousands of Kosovo Liberation Armyís (KLA) combatants. The IOM Training program started in February 2000 with the goal to build the KPC into a viable and effective protection organization responsive to civil authorities.

Background information about the program is provided in the Introduction, with a brief discussion of its design and implementation. In the following chapters, a detailed presentation of the programís direct products, or outputs, will be found.

Community Safety

Community Safety

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This research was supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project KOSSAC.
Theviews presented in this report do not necessarily correspond with the views of UNDP.
Acknowledgements: The report was written by Ms. Anna Di Lellio in the period between September and October 2009.The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations Development Programme.
Supported by: UNDP,Government of Belgium, Government of Denmark, Government of Luxemburg,
Government of the Netherlands and Government of Sweden.



Battle of Kosovo Full Jacket       The Battle of Kosovo 1389. An Albanian Epic, London: I.B. Tauris, 2009.

Beteja e Kosoves Beteja e Kosovës, Prishtina: Zëri, 2010



Bitka na KosovuBitka na kosovu u albanskom epu, Beograd: Biblioteka XX Vek, 2010.

The Case for Kosovo. A Passage to Independence, (ed.) London: Anthem Press, 2006.

UccelliEditor and Translator of Camille Paglia, The Birds, British Film Institute, 1998 [Gli Uccelli, Liberal Libri, 2000]

I Gay. Colloquio con Edmund White, [Gays. An Interview with Edmund White] Liberal Libri, 1999.

ribelliRibelli contro la Modernitá. Religione e Politica in Due Cittá Post-Industriali: Dallas (US) e Grenoble (Francia), [Rebels against Modernity. Religion and Politics in two Post-Industrial Cities: Dallas (US) and Grenoble (France)] Milano: Franco Angeli, 1993.

Articles and Chapters in Books:

“The Field of the Blackbirds and the Battle for Europe,” in Bill Niven, Ruth Wittlinger and Eric Langenbacher (eds.), Dynamics of Memory in the New Europe, Berghahn Books, 2013.


“La Battaglia della piana dei merli nella memoria albanese: l’invenzione di una tradizione,” in Rassicurazione e memoria – per dare un futuro alla pace. Quanderno 2 della Fondazione Venezia per la ricerca sulla pace, 2013.


“Engineering Grassroots Transitional Justice in the Balkans: The Case of Kosovo,” East European Politics and Societies, XX (X) 2012: 1-20


“The Missing Revolution in Serbia: 1989-2008,” International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 22 (3) September 2009: 373-384.


“The Narrative of Genocide as Cosmopolitan Memory and Its Impact on Humanitarian Intervention” Interdisciplinary workshop on Collective Memory and Collective Knowledge in a Global Age, London School of Economics, 17/18-June-2007.

 “The Legendary Commander: The Construction of an Albanian Master-Narrative in Post-War Kosovo,” Nations & Nationalism, 12 (3) 2006: 513-529 (with Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers).

[also in Albanian, “Komandant legjendar:ndërtimi i një master-narracioni shqiptar në Kosovën e pasluftës” Perpjekja, XII (23), 2006: 77-95]

 “Sacred Journey to a Nation: The Construction of a Shrine in Post-War Kosovo,” Journeys. The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing, 7 (1), 2006: 27-49 (with Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers).

[also in Albanian, “Udhëtimi i shenjtë drejt kombit: ndërtimi i një faltoreje në Kosovën e pasluftës” Perpjekja, XII (24) 2007: 32-54]

 “Empire Lite as a Swamp,” Transitions, XLV (1), 2005: 63-79

 “Feminism” pp. 235-246 in Gianfranco Pasquino (ed.), La Politica Italiana, Dizionario Critico 1945-95, [Italian Politics. A Critical Dictionary 1945-95] Bari: Laterza, 1995

 “Tra Scienza, Etica e Politica: Teorie della Sociologia Interpretativa nel Dibattito Statunitense,” [Between Science, Ethics and Politics: Theories of Interpretive Sociology in the American Debate] Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 4, Ottobre-Dicembre 1990: 581-558.

 “Immagine e Storia. La Cittá negli Stati Uniti,” [Image and History. The City in the United States] Democrazia e Diritto, (4-5) 1989: 301-321.

 “Le Aspettative Sociali di Durata. Intervista a Robert Merton,” [Socially Expected Durations. Interview with Robert Merton] Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, (1) 1985: 3-26.

Policy Analysis:

Community Safety Report, UNDP, Kosovo, 2009.

Freedom of Movement Report, UNDP, Kosovo, 2009

Small Weapons Collection Campaign Report, UNDP, Kosovo, 2009.

“A Civil Alternative: an Evaluation of the IOM KPC Program,” in International Organization for Migration (IOM), KPC Training Program, Prishtina, 2004.

Comparative Study on Housing for Foreign Workers in Denmark, Germany and France. City of Bologna, 1991

Survey sul Partito Comunista Italiano (With Nino Magna and Renato Mannheimer), anticipating the break-up of the Party into a traditional Communist Party and the Democratic Party of the Left, CESPE

Rapporto sui Finanziamenti ai Partiti Politici in Germania, Francia e Svezia (With Nino Magna and Antonio Missiroli), an analysis of patterns of corruption in both public and private funding of political parties, CESPE.

Anna Di Lellio

About Me

I am a sociologist and policy analyst, with a broad range of interests and

experience, from American politics and culture to nationalism, security and statebuilding in the Balkans. My research and publications focus on Kosovo, where I

worked for years, as political adviser to the Prime Minister; Media Commissioner

under the aegis of the Organization for the Security and Cooperation in Europe

(OSCE); and research analyst and advisor on the Kosovo Liberation Army

program of reintegration for the International Organization for Migration and the

United Nations Mission in Kosovo. I currently teach humanitarian intervention

and the ethics of war at the Graduate Program in International Relations (GPIA)

at The New School, and political communication at the Department of Politics of

New York University.

SALW Report

SALW Report

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As a result of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Yugoslav wars, a legacy of the 1990s in Europe has been the proliferation and trafficking of weapons (Small Arms and Light Weapons, SALW)
and ammunition. Locally, this equipment is both a source of and
a means for criminal activities. It also turns up in the global illegal market – a development that regional actors such as the European Union (EU) and the Organization for the Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) deem an urgent security concern.
Kosovo is part of this broader picture. Emerged from a conflict that included the irregular forces of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), since 1999 it has undergone a process of Demilitarization Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), and several campaigns of weapons seizure and voluntary surrender. Yet, the estimates of illegal weapons possession, no matter how uncertain, are still high compared to collection figures – a gap that must and can be bridged. Contrary to conventional wisdom, which takes Kosovo as a “gun paradise,” the problem is tractable. What is needed is a clear policy that reflects the Kosovo experience, rather than proceed from a series of myths, such as the enduring strength of a “gun culture” linked to ancestral traditions.